It's that time of year again! We're looking for our friends and family to show up in the most awesome way that only they know how to do! There are two ways you can support our kids this Thanksgiving.
1) Sponsor a family this year for Thanksgiving and for just $30 you will feed a family of 4 or more with ALL the trimmings including FRESH vegetables! There are many ways to donate you can see them on the flyer!
2) You can partner with Bad Ass Academy and Gotham Ready Mix by donating to purchase a Fresh Turkey! For every donation they will match it to make sure that each of our families get a turkey and all of the trimmings with a sponsorship above!
THANKS IN ADVANCE! You all always find a way to make Thanksgiving truly special for each and every one of our kids! Because every child deserves a day to feel special and have a reason to give thanks.
#thanksgiving #supportlocal #smallcharitybigimpact #givingseason #fightingchildhoodhunger #happywholechild #givethanks #grateful #fundraiser #smallcharity #donors #community #brooklyn #nyc #bayridge
